Abraj Al-Bait Tower in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Abraj Al-Bait Tower in Mecca

  • Seven skyscraper hotels make up the Abraj Al-Bait complex in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. These towers are significant because of their special location, which is a few kilometres from Masjid al-Haram and where they tower over it. The Abraj Al Bait Towers are difficult to miss if you are nearby because they are visible from a great distance and appear to be touching the sky.
  • The Makkah Royal Clock Tower, the tallest tower in the complex, is also the fifth-tallest freestanding structure in the world and the tallest skyscraper in Saudi Arabia. The largest clock face in the world is located on the Makkah tower. One can always look up while seated in the Haram to see the clock facing him.
  • Many of these travellers opt to stay at the Makkah tower, which offers a breathtaking view of the Masjid al-Haram with everyone making the Kaaba’s circumambulation.

Attraction at the Abraj Al Bait tower

  • The complex includes lodgings, eateries, museums, apartments for rent, shopping malls, and a prayer space large enough to hold a large number of worshipers.
  • The complex includes a parking garage with space for more than a thousand vehicles as well as a five-story shopping centre called the Abraj Al Bait Mall.
  • The five-star services offered by the luxurious hotels are especially well-liked by the pilgrims who travel here each year to perform the hajj and umrah.
  • The gift shops that are situated at various points offer pilgrims souvenirs. Visitors can also access a private and public viewing deck for unobstructed views of the holy city.
  • Even if only for a cup of coffee, pilgrims should visit the complex at least once.
  • Don’t miss the opportunity to have prayer calls played in your ears from the minaret and its base’s loudspeaker.
  • In the Central Clock Tower, there is an Islamic museum with a large collection of Islamic artefacts.
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