Al-Hijra Neighborhood Park in Kuday, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Customer Care Phone Number, Address, Opening Hours, Facilities, How to Reach By Bus/Metro?

Al-Hijra Neighborhood Parkin Kuday, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Customer Care Phone Number, Email, Address, Hours, How to Reach by Bus / Metro?

Park in Mecca

Address: Kuday, Makkah 24234, Saudi Arabia

Phone Number: 966535182696


Opening Time: Monday to Sunday, Open 24 hours

Direction: View Google Direction here.

About Al-Hijra Neighborhood Park


Al-Hijra Neighborhood Park Services


How to Reach Al-Hijra Neighborhood Park, Mecca by Bus / Metro / Taxi?

By Bus

By Metro

By Taxi

List of Parks in Saudi Arabia

View the List of Parks in saudi Arabia through the above link.

Contact Al-Hijra Neighborhood Park on Social Media


Al-Hijra Neighborhood Park Gallery


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