City of Mina in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

City of Mina

  • It is well known that Mina City or Mina Valley is a site where there are many tents. This valley, which is 8 KM from the holy site of Mecca, is renowned for housing travelers and pilgrims who travel to Mecca.
  • The area includes more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents that serve as a temporary home for people who travel to the holy city of Mecca for the Hajj.
  • There is a restriction prohibiting men and women from staying together in the same tent, but the tents here have all the necessary amenities, including a kitchen and well-equipped restrooms.

Features and Highlight

  • Learn in-depth information about the last significant Islamic ritual that pilgrims do during the Hajj in the city of Mina.
  • Explore each of the pilgrims’ colored-coded tents, one for each nation.
  • Explore the little city’s many tents, Jamarat neighborhood, and slaughterhouses to gain a thorough understanding of the city’s significance to the Hajj.
  • The Stoning of the Devil ceremony, which is carried out at the Jamarat Bridge in Mina between dawn and dusk on the final day of the Hajj, takes place there. Here, three pillars that stand for Satan or the Devil are present.
  • In order to relieve pilgrims of the difficulty of setting up temporary camps, the Saudi government established permanent cotton tents. However, after a 1997 tent fire that killed more than 350 pilgrims, the current fire-proof city was constructed.
  • There are kitchens, restrooms, and ablution facilities in every camp.
  • All haajis are required to wear badges with their country’s colour and tent number on them in case they become separated from the group.
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