Clock Tower Museum in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Clock Tower Museum in Mecca

  • Museum of the Clock Tower Mecca is the museum at Makkah’s highest point, occupying the top four floors of the Abraj Al-Bait clock tower. The Mecca Clock Tower Museum is a one-of-a-kind location with a variety of motifs and quirky features.
  • The Clock Tower Museum, one of the Mecca tourist attractions, is located behind the clock in the Mecca Clocktower. The museum, which opened to the public in early 2019, occupies the top four floors of Makkah’s clock tower and was designed to take visitors on a journey of the enormous universe. Go to the first floor to see the Makkah Clock, the most accurate timekeeper in the world.
  • Climb to the second floor to learn about how an elderly guy wanted to know the time. Make your way to the second floor to learn about the sun, moon, and earth. Finally, ascend to the fourth story to comprehend space and stars before entering the balcony to take in a panoramic view of the Grand Mosque and its surrounds.

Main attraction at Clock Tower Museum

  • Be fascinated by the collection of astronomy and galaxies models and structures maintained in it.
  • Because the museum is located at the highest point in Makkah, the balcony provides a panoramic view of the entire city and overlooks the Holy Kabba, which surrounds the Tower.
  • Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to witness the world’s largest clock, which is occupied by a massive tower.
  • The concept of time is very important to Muslims. Time governs four of the five pillars of Islam: prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and the Hajj.
  • The first pillar is the proclamation of faith, which can be seen on the tower’s side panels. The Makkah Clock Tower’s enormous height and size make it easily visible from any place in Makkah, as well as from the approach routes to the Holy City.
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