Masjid Bayah Mosque in Al Mashair, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Masjid Bayah Mosque in Al Mashair, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Address, Phone Number, Opening Hours, Email, Website and Social Media

Masjid Bayah Mosque in Mecca

Address: Al Mashair, Mecca 24244, Saudi Arabia


Direction: View Google Direction here

About Masjid Bayah Mosque

The Bay’ah Mosque, also known as the Mosque of Aqaba Hill, is a mosque outside Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It was built at the request of Caliph Abu Ja’far al-Mansur in 761/2 at the site of al-Bay’ah the place where the Islamic Prophet Muhammad met with the Ansar, and they took the pledge of Aqaba.

Masjid Bayah Mosque Gallery

List of Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

View the List of Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia Address, Phone Number, Email, and Services through the above link.

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