Mount Arafat in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Mount Arafat in Mecca

  • About 20 km southeast of Mecca is a granodiorite hill called Mount Arafat, which soars to a magnificent height of about 70 m (230 ft). The “mountain of mercy” is the name given to the mountain’s highest point, which rises 454 meters above sea level. The hill, also known as Khutbat al-Wada, is where the Prophet Muhammad is said to have stood while delivering the Khutbat al-Wada, also known as the Farewell Sermon, to the Muslims who were accompanying him on the Hajj.
  • Investigate the area and scale the mountain to reach the pillar at the top, which represents the location where Adam and Eve are thought to have been reunited on Earth after they were separated when they were expelled from heaven.
  • Hajj pilgrims depart from Mina on the ninth day of the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah in order to travel to Mount Arafat, where they spend the entire day praying to god to atone for their sins.

Attraction at Mount Arafat

  • Visit Mount Arafat, also known as Jabal al- Rahmah, one of Saudi Arabia’s holiest sites, to learn about the Arafatie morality.
  • You can ask Allah for forgiveness for all of your sins at Mount Arafat, which is a special location for du’a.
  • To atone for sins, climb the renowned Mount Arafat as a pilgrim and spend hours praying and reciting the Quran there until dusk.
  • Watch the Muslim visitors as they perform the Haji rituals while standing and offering prayers.
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