Urban Fit Gym in King Fahd District, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Urban Fit Gym in King Fahd District, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Phone Number, Email, Opening Hours, Website and Social Media

Address: Al Nouri Supermarket, Al Shawqiyyah, King Fahd District, Umm Al Kitad Scheme, behind, Mecca Saudi Arabia

Phone Number: 966125666100

Email: N/A

Opening Time: Monday to Thursday – (9am-10pm), Friday to Saturday – (4-10pm), Sunday – (9am-10pm)

Website: N/A

Direction: View Google Direction here.

Benefits of Joining a Gym


Stress Relief Improved metabolism and weight management
Socialization Increased energy
Increased fitness Improved sleep
Increased balance and flexibility Bonus: Potential financial benefits


How to Reach Urban Fit Gym by Bus Stop / Hospital / ATM?

Nearby Bus Stop

  • Meni Bus Stop
  • KDE bus stand
  • Ajyad Street

Nearby Hospital

  • Ajyaad General Hospital
  • Heraa General Hospital
  • Mustashfa Suheel

Nearby ATM

  • SNB AlAhli ATM
  • Riyad Bank ATM

List of Gyms in Mecca, Saudi Arabia

View the List of Gyms in Mecca, Saudi Arabia Address, Phone Number, Email, Website, and Social Media through the above link.

Is there any problem/complaint with reaching the Urban Fit Gym in King Fahd District, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Address, Phone? Please report any issues using the below comment form.

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